My rantings and ravings. Well, the ones you're allowed to see anyways. Beware, they're cryptic.
Notes on achievement.
Published on May 4, 2004 By RandomPhilosophies In Philosophy
No no no no, this isn't about the right or left cheek. This is about approaching life in terms of a funny little thing called achievement. Instinctively, I am a slacker. I never like to put any more effort into something than it requires.

But is this because I can actually get away with it?

It's true, some people overachieve because they fear UNDERachieving. They could never slide by like those of us with more coniving natures. We are the standard setters, the ones who improve the middleground, raise the bars of mediocrity. We exert minimal effort, yet somehow establish ourselves as the smart ones. We do it because we can. But this isn't about intelligence. We're no more intelligent than anyone else. Call it a charisma, if you will. Or call it how I see it right now. Call it "lucky." Because truthfully, it feels GREAT to know that I can get away with murder. I have somehow taken some of the most necessary steps to put myself above the bar. The most terrible efforts put forth by Your Humble Narrator are always worth twice their weight in gold.

And still, I don't ACTUALLY know why this is.

I never did anything. I know that. I like to blame my older brother. He set me up with all the goods and makings of a fantastic little sister. It was fated that I should follow in the footsteps of one so smart as him. I walk the trodden path like any loyal little sibling. I bask in the glory that was set forth in years past. Even out of the traditional shared settings where the path is clear and the comparison easily made, I've become so robotic in my playing of this role that I can keep the good-act alive in a swamp of new faces. Call it lucky, if you will. Or call it how I see it right now. Call it "convenient." And yet, I don't exploit any of my abilities NEARLY as much as I suppose I could.

Or do I?

Am I all out there? How much of me is can be seen? How much of me do you know? I would guess very little. What are my abilities and how do I use them? I wouldn't begin to guess at all. I don't think I know what's ahead. I just know that for the time being, I can get by on nothing. This getting by, this getting away, making it through... it's never been clear to me in any way how it comes to pass. Call it convenient, if you will. Or just go ahead and call it how I fucking see it right now.

Call it "undeserved."

on May 04, 2004

i hear ya sister... those of us who settle for mediocrity may never know how great we could have been...

shame on us

on May 04, 2004
I was thinking the very same when i was driving to work this morning you know???

Being good without trying is a bane... you are never inspired to push your limits, because your mediocrity is many peoples bench mark... meh, what am i gonna do about it.

on May 07, 2004
Underserved, undeshmerved (I think "shmerv" means something in Jewish). I, myself, would call your problem "totally fucking sweet." America is all about taking advantage of the system. It's the American way. It's kind of like "We Built This City" by Jefferson Starship. I think that's self explanatory.
on May 07, 2004
I agree with Muggaz... I tend to see what more I can do, where I can push myself what I can learn. I tend to favor non-fiction books to fiction anyday. I listen to talk radio rather than music MOST of the time. (There's times when I just gotta jam, though!) Yeah, nice place to be in if you're comfy, but I'd get tired of it. I'm a debater. Constructive criticism (given fairly and politely) really fuels me. I love a good debate because it makes me better. Keep blogging!